Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Warden Samuel Norton was a dick.

I realize that some people may not know who Warden Samuel Norton is. I encourage those people to rethink their lives.

Warden Norton is the warden of Shawshank Prison in The Shawshank Redemption. He enjoys the classic warden hobbies of buying worm-ridden food, employing an openly sadistic captain of the guards, ignoring shower rape, and working on his smirk.

"I'm sorry, but preventing shower rape's just not in the budget."

Tim Robbins' character, Andy Dufresne, is in prison for a murder he didn't commit, and is making a habit of being raped in places much more creative than a shower. Tool sheds, laundry supply rooms, and projection rooms are all fair game. Warden Norton realizes that he has a chance to exploit his captive slave labor, and offers Andy a deal: temporary rape immunity in exchange for embezzling and laundering a fuckload of money. Andy accepts, and they live happily ever after, thriving off of each other's mutual favors.

Ha! Just kidding. Instead, evidence surfaces showing Andy's innocence, and Norton has the only witness shot. Andy threatens to stop, and Norton informs him that he will be "cast down with the sodomites."

7/10. Fucking prick.

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